د موضوعګانو سرپاڼه

اسلام، اسلامي شرعه او د اسلام تاریخ

درملنه او روغتیا

سیداسدالله سا

اسلام علیکم ورحمت الله وبرکاته !
ستاسو دی روغتیا هیله مند یم خدای مو روغ او جور لری.


1. Avoid becoming a casualty yourself.
2. Prevent others from becoming a casualty.
3. Prevent the Casualty’s condition from becoming worse.
4. Arrange qualified medical assistance for the casualty. (Call for help).

Something or someone caused this to happen; it or they may still be in the area with the potential to cause either further injury to the casualty, or far more frightening ……TO YOU. Make sure you don’t become the next casualty for example, if there has been a road traffic accident send people to stop other vehicles from compounding the incident OR compounding you.if you find a casualty caused by electric shock, disconnect them BEFORE you attempt First Aid.

Engage Brain First.

Assessment of the total situation (Situational Awareness).
Be prepared to be upset, blood and pain is something we all try to avoid, grin and bear it. Your POSITIVE ATTITUDE and constant REASSURANCE will be of enormous value to the casualty.

Assessment of the Casualties. You may find yourself in a mass casualty situation where you will be forced to use a process called TRIAGE this will determine in which order you treat casualties.

Remember, when evaluating and/or treating a casualty, you should seek
medical aid as soon as possible. DO NOT stop treatment, but if the
situation allows, send another person to find medical aid.


1. Remove casualty from further harm or remove source of harm from Casualty.
2. Examine
3. Ensure casualty is Breathing.
4. Control blood loss (Bleeding).
5. Stabilise fractures.
6. Treat burns.
7. Prevent onset of shock.


The bodily process of inhalation and exhalation; the process of taking in oxygen from inhaled air and releasing carbon dioxide by exhalation

The act of breathing can be compromised by a range of conditions and injuries. Amongst these are injuries to the brain, injuries to the chest, drugs overdose, electric shock, blocked airways, chemical or smoke inhalation, drowning.

In the field of trauma first aid the most likely cause is a severe head injury or a blocked airway. This can result in a loss of consciousness.

With an unconscious casualty.

Check to see if they are breathing. Check Pulse.
If heart beating but no sign of breathing begin artificial respiration

How to give artificial respiration
• Tilt the head back and lift up the chin.
• Clear Airway.
• Pinch the nostrils shut with two fingers to prevent leakage of air.
• Take a deep breath and seal your own mouth over the person's mouth.
• Breathe slowly into the person's mouth - it should take about two seconds to adequately inflate the chest.
• Do this twice.
• Check to see if the chest rises as you breathe into the patient.
• If it does, enough air is being blown in.
• If there is resistance, try to hold the head back further and lift the chin again.
• Repeat this procedure until help arrives or the person starts breathing again.
If casualty has no pulse and no apparent signs of breathing. Assess situation.
CPR is only effective as a short term procedure. If the heart is fibrillating you will require a defibrillator; if one is not available then you are very unlikely to save the casualty. There are very few cases of a casualty recovering from more than ten minutes of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation.
If trained personnel with a defibrillator are likely to be available then carry out:

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