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نړيوال ښکيلاک او د لرو بر افغان دازادۍ غورځنګ

سوبه سرحد که پښتونخوا


درنو لوستکو!
ښاغلي ابدلک يو په زړه پورې مضمون له کومې وېبپاڼې څخه هېواد ته کاپي کړی او ما ددې لپاره چې په خپله مورنۍ ژبه پښتو ورته جواب وويلی شئ او بحث پرې وکړئ دلته ستاسو لپاره را کاپي کړ ، نو دا هم
تاسو او دا مو د بحث موضوع :

Junior Member
Member # 131

Rate Member posted August 25, 2002 02:50 PM
Why not Pakhtookhwa..? I asked that questions several non-Pakhtoon Pakistanis and so far did not get an intelligent answer that would justify opposition to renaming NWFP as Pakhtoonkhwa. Why can Punjabis have Punjab, Sindhis Sindh , Baloochis Balouchistan , but Pakhtoons can't have Pakhtoonkhwa..? What that says about the status of Pathans in Pakistan ..? why we Pakhtoon are being treated like occupied Palestine who will breakaway at the first chance...? and if we do decided to break off , trust me with all its might, Pakistan can't prevent us. Pakistan couldn't beat Bengalis into submission and it can never force Pakhtoon into submission. Its stupid that some people who consider themselves super patriotic imply that Pakhtoons are any less patriotic than themselves. Let me remind those self declared super Pakis that Punjab did not have any option except joining Pakistan. Punjab had to chose between joining Pakistan or cleaning after the Hindus. The same with Sindh and Balouchistan. But we Pakhtoon had a choice to join our brothers in Afghanistan, with whom we share not only our ancestry but our culture, our history, our tradition, and our language, but Pakhtoons decided to stay with Pakistan for the sake of Islamic brotherhood. How can someone from Punjab or Sindh or any other part of Pakistan give us a lecture on patriotism..? I think these people are the one who needs a lesson in patriotism, because by suppressing minorities right and denying them their identity they are weakening Pakistan NOT us. Its tragic that Pakistan did NOT learn any lesson from history. Bengalis were at the forefront in the struggle for Pakistan but when Pakistan suppressed them and denied them their rights and their identity what happened ..? We all know the end result. By calling Bengalis traitors because they demanded their rights they were converted into traitors. Where in the history of any democratic country a party who won the election like the Bengalis been refused the right to form government..? Alas we could learn from history because if we don't , history is doomed to repeat itself.
Please someone help me Understand how renaming NWFP is gona break Pakistan..? and please don't give me the crap about patriotism and Islamic unity. Whats wrong with Pakhtoons having their identity in Pakistan like Punjabis, Sindhis, and Balouchis..? O.K fine we would not demand Pakhtoonkhwa, lets change the names of Punjab, sindh, and Balouchitstan. Lets all be just Muslims. No Punjab, no Sindh, no Balouchistan, and no Pakhtonkhwa. Its not gona work to tell us Pakhtoon to be just Pakistani and Muslims while you have your Punjab, Sindh, and Balouchistan. About the Islam , how does being Pakhtoon makes us automatically opponents of Islamic unity..? Its Ironic that we Pakhtoons are being given lectures about Islam. May be one should go visit La**** , Karachi etc. and than visit Peshawar and the rest of Pakhtonkhwa. You will find out there is much more islam in Pakhtonkhwa than in Punjab, Sindh, or any other parts of Pakistan. We Pakhtoons were Muslims a thousand yeas before there was any such thing as Pakistan, We were muslims when the rest of Pakistani's ancestors were still hindus, we were muslims long before there was any sign of islam in Punjab, Sindh, or any other part of Pakistan. Recall the Pakhtoon kings from Afghanistan who conquered the Sub-Continent and marched all the way to Delhi more than 17 times spreading islam in those areas. If it wasn't for those Pakhtoon armies and kings and religious preacher, most of the Pakistanis would probably still be Hindus. It was Ahmad Shaha Abdali a Pakhtoon King from Afghanistan who marched to India on invitation of Shah Wali-Ullah and defeated the growing power of Hindus. Its was the Pakhtoon Mujahideen NOT the Pakistan army who liberated Kashmir from the hands of Hindus what is now called " Azad Kashmir ". So please stop using Islam to suppers the rights of Pakhtoons. As you people might recall islam did not stopped the creation of Bangladesh and islam is not gona stop the creation of Independent Pashtunistan if the Pakhtoons were not given their rights. If anyone is still not convinced about the injustices against Pakhtoons in Pakistan, I would like to ask a few questions to make my point clear.
(1) how come Punjabis can have Punjab, Sindhis Sindh, and Balochis can have Balouchistan, but Pakhtoons can not have Pakhtonkhwa..?
(2) Why is the electricity generated in Pakhtonkhwa transmitted all the way to La**** and Karachi but some areas of Pakhtonkhwa still don't have electricity and the ones that have electricity, they have the so called load shedding for three up to three days continuously.
(3) How come Punjab gets paid for growing carrots , and turnips but our electricity revenues are stolen by the federal government..?
(4) How come all the government funded industries are set up in Punjab and Sindh while Pakhtonkhwa is being kept backward industrially..?
(5) How come tax free industrial zones are setup in other parts of Pakistan but industries in Pakhtonkhwa are heavily taxed thus discouraging any potential investors.
As it is, some people don't seem to be able to stand just the name Pakhtonkhwa let alone addressing the other issues and tragically without using their brains accuse anybody who talks about Pakhtoon rights of treason. When you constantly keep accusing someone of something they are not than they become what they are accused of. Its not about breaking Pakistan, its about our rights and by denying us our rights and our identity we are being pushed to opt for Independent Pashtunistan and like I said the islam trick is not gona work because no other group of people in Pakistan can match Pakhtoons their love for Islam and fight for Pakhtoon’s is not UNISLAMIC, on the contrary its exactly Islam to stand up to the group of thieves that are looting the resources of Pakhtoonkhwa and depriving Pakhtoons of their rights.

I didnt write this I copy and pasted it from a webpage!!!!

ډاکتر وطنمل

پاکستان په ټوله معنی ځان د انګرېزي استعمار وارث ، پښتانه او دپښتنو سيمه د پنجابيانو غلامان او مستعمره بولي، خو د پښتنو غاړې ته يې دبادارۍاو اسارت يوه ورېښمينه زندۍ ور اچولې ده چ ورځ په تنګيږي اوپښتانه پرې نه پوهيږي چې پښتانه په پاکستان کې د قامي مرګ اوتباهۍ سره مخامخ دي :
ځکه د پښتنو نوم اوهويت يا Identity ورکه ده , قوميت ، د سيمې او وطن نوم يې ورک دی، ژبه، کلتور ، ادب او ثقافت يې ورک دي،ورځپاڼې مطبوعات، پښتو راديو او ټي. وي او داسې نور ټول يې په نشت حساب دي او په مورنۍ ژبه پښتو دتعليماتو او لوړو تحصيلاتو نه محروم او ليرې پأتي شوي او همدارنګه يې زراعتي او صنعتي حاصلات لکه پنبه، تمباکو، شکره(چيني) ، برېښناييزه انرژي (بجلۍ) او نور ټول دپنجاب خوراک شول پداسې حال کې چې د پښتنو اعلی اوسپنه دځمکې لاندې بيکاره پرېښودل شوې د فولادو د جوړولو لپاره له له کاناډاڅخه خامه اوسپنه دپښتنوپه مالياتي روپو د پنجابيانو لپاره اخيستل کېږي او کارو بار پرې پنجابيانو ته ميلاويږي ، خو پښتانه د ښې اوسپنې د لرلو سره سره له کاروبار او عايداتو ځخه محروم کړی شويدي.دا ټول کارونه ځکه کيږي چې له پښتنو څخه بي وقوفه او سياسي ايجړاګان په دنيا کې نور نشته !!!

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